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Have Different Specifications - Rental Services In Kuala Lumpur
Rental Services In Kuala Lumpur
6 times mentioned • Ivan Kyo • 08 November 2017

Rental Services In Kuala Lumpur

We provide professional lorry crane rental services in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Klang Valley and other locations in Malaysia. Lorry crane, which is also known as knuckle boom cranes mounted on trucks, is very useful in transporting and loading heavy items.

Our lorry cranes have different specifications and capacity for various moving and loading tasks. The lorry cranes class ranges from 3-ton to 32-ton. We also have different types of lorry cranes including side operating function or back operating function.
Have Different Specifications - Offer Wide Range
Offer Wide Range
86 times mentioned • Selina Grace • 05 December 2020

Offer Wide Range

We offer a wide range of household window tinting solutions that have different specifications. Products with low U-values provide better energy savings during the colder months.

Additionally, the higher the VLT value, the better the efficiency of the window tint. While the functionality of the window tint is important, we also prove suggestions when it comes to the aesthetics of the product. It is important to consider the specific characteristics of the household window tinting that suits the overall design of the home.
Have Different Specifications - Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring
158 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Hardwood Flooring

If you're desperate for the most stylish option in a high-traffic area: Hardwood flooring is your best bet — and you can get creative with inlays or even a fun herringbone pattern. "A quick sweeping and vacuuming paired with an occasional mopping will keep it clean," says Buckingham, who adds that you should always ask the installer for care instructions because various woods may have different specifications.

And don't worry about a little bit of aging: "Wood is like wine — it gets better over the years and develops a beautiful patina.
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