Says Buckingham
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Says Buckingham - Look Like Real Wood
Look Like Real Wood
8 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Look Like Real Wood

f you want something trendy in the kitchen: Look beyond light and dark woods and consider a grey hardwood flooring option. "Grey has been the new neutral in interior design and I believe you will see more of this hue in flooring as well," says Buckingham.

Forte says she's also been seeing more cork flooring and vinyl designed to look like real wood. All of these options are super durable, so they'll last well into the next few trend cycles.
Says Buckingham - Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring
158 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Hardwood Flooring

If you're desperate for the most stylish option in a high-traffic area: Hardwood flooring is your best bet — and you can get creative with inlays or even a fun herringbone pattern. "A quick sweeping and vacuuming paired with an occasional mopping will keep it clean," says Buckingham, who adds that you should always ask the installer for care instructions because various woods may have different specifications.

And don't worry about a little bit of aging: "Wood is like wine — it gets better over the years and develops a beautiful patina.
Says Buckingham - Bamboo Flooring
Bamboo Flooring
45 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Bamboo Flooring

If you have rambunctious pets: "Bamboo flooring or tiles hold up well if you have pets running around pets," says Buckingham. Area rugs layered on top can easily be cleaned of pet hair and stains — and are easily replaced if necessary.

Wall-to-wall carpeting can be more of a headache, but don't rule it out if you love it. "It's best to choose a cut pile versus loop carpet, so your pet's nails don't snag the loops and cause the carpet to wear faster," she adds. Opt for a stain-resistant carpet and also be mindful of your color choice.
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