Wireless Capabilities
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Wireless Capabilities - Five Great Wi-fi Routers In
Five Great Wi-fi Routers In
4 times mentioned • Nathan Lee • 13 June 2016

Five Great Wi-fi Routers In

Five Great Wi-Fi Routers in Malaysia. Apple AirPort Extreme or AirPort Time Capsule.

Both of Apple's AirPort wireless routers are small, easy to set up, can fit almost anywhere and can be remotely managed with an iOS device. Users who buy either versions of Apple's AirPort mostly do so for its “quick set up and forget” practicality, its focus on network quality and its solid performance with other Apple devices. The Extreme and Time Capsule versions are Apple's most powerful wireless routers to date, packing dual-band 802.11ac wireless capabilities, wireless printing and beam-forming.
Wireless Capabilities - Toshiba Canvio Connect Ii
Toshiba Canvio Connect Ii
6 times mentioned • Kimberly Spencer • 27 July 2016

Toshiba Canvio Connect Ii

Although Toshiba is better known for their laptops than their hard drives, the Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2 TB is renown for its high performance and its wireless capabilities. This drive is only 4.3 x 3.1 x 0.8 inches, and therefore easily something you can take along with you, but you can also utilize the included Pogoplug software to host a cloud server on your PC.
Wireless Capabilities - Hours Battery Life
Hours Battery Life
25 times mentioned • Catherine Santana • 22 May 2015

Hours Battery Life

Beats announces Solo 2 Wireless headphones. Beats is releasing its latest wireless headset, the Solo 2 Wireless on-ear headphones, just in time for the holiday season. The Solo 2 Wireless headphones have the same sound drivers as the Solo 2, but with wireless capabilities.

You get 12 hours of battery life from the headphones, and music and call playback can be controlled on the sides of the headphones — just like on the Beats Studio Wireless. Even better, the Beats Solo 2 Wireless will work with an included headphone. And unlike the Beats Studio Wireless, which requires battery power even if you're plugged into a headphone source, the Solo 2 Wireless headphones are fully functional when plugged in.
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