Water Use
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Water Use - Hot Water Dispenser
Hot Water Dispenser
61 times mentioned • Afifa Fitiya • 20 September 2018

Hot Water Dispenser

For hot water Use separate hot water dispenser that requires refilling everyday when water level gets low. It also takes a long time to boil the hot water in the dispenser once it runs out of water.

For ice cold water Keep a bottle of chilled water in the fridge which is also very troublesome because it needs to be refilled frequently as well and it's just a hassle to keep taking the heavy bottle out from the fridge and then refilling it because the bottle empties so quickly
Water Use - Flooring Water Resistant
Flooring Water Resistant
8 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Flooring Water Resistant

laminate or luxury vinyl can withstand strain and this factor increases their strength. However, focusing on their texture, they are good imitators of other surfaces appearance; due to this ability they successfully convince the eye without affecting the sense of touch.

Laminate tiles having been made from wood and are a similar feel to wooden planks. One of the main selling points of vinyl flooring is that they are water resistant which makes them extremely popular for area with high water use like basements or mud rooms.
Water Use - Rainwater Harvesting System
Rainwater Harvesting System
3 times mentioned • Ben James • 22 October 2017

Rainwater Harvesting System

For example, installing a rainwater harvesting system is a great way to recycle water to use for watering plants or flushing. This saves an enormous amount of tap water and completes the rain cycle in an efficient manner.

Even better, the harvesting system itself can be constructed from recycled plastic and can double as a planter to display flowers.
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