The Brake
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The Brake - Dry Boiling Point
Dry Boiling Point
6 times mentioned • Leo Chin • 10 March 2023

Dry Boiling Point

Brake fluid, dry Boiling Point vs wet boiling point, the differences. A vehicle's braking system generates high temperatures. If the temperature gets too high, it warms up the brake fluid and can form vapor in the brake lines, causing a drop in braking ability.

The dry boiling point refers to the brand new fluid. When it's been in use for a while, the boiling point drops due to water contamination. The wet boiling point refers to the fluid that's been in use for a while and has a certain amount of moisture mixed in.
The Brake - Prestone Brake Fluid
Prestone Brake Fluid
6 times mentioned • Roy Lee • 19 August 2019

Prestone Brake Fluid

The rainy season is starting. Make sure your car's brakes are in top-notch condition, so don't forget to check the brake system and brake fluid.

When the brake fluid is at low level or dirty, refill with Prestone Brake Fluid for superior braking power. If there is a leak in the brake system or the brake pedal is soft, consult your trusted mechanic immediately or bring it to the nearest auto service center.
The Brake - Use Dot 4
Use Dot 4
3 times mentioned • Leo Chin • 10 March 2023

Use Dot 4

Your car brake system stated only use DOT 3 brake fluid, can I use DOT 4 brake fluid? DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids are glycol-based. They work with ABS brakes. DOT 4 has a higher boiling point than DOT 3. You can use DOT 4 where DOT 3 is called for, but not the reverse.

Using DOT 3 in a DOT 4 brake risks boiling the brake fluid. Glycol-based fluid can absorb water over time, which leads to corrosion. DOT 5 is silicone-based. Its advantage is that it doesn't absorb water. It doesn't work with ABS brakes.
The Brake - Pay Close Attention
Pay Close Attention
3 times mentioned • Liberr Hin • 10 July 2018

Pay Close Attention

There is a lot of focus placed on the engine when it comes to a car's performance, but the brakes are every bit as important. If you can't bring the car to a safe stop then the vehicle will be classed as dangerous, and tired or worn brakes often contribute to an MOT failure.

The various components of the brake system, including the calipers, pads and discs, can wear over time through everyday use and on-off braking in rush hours for example, so pay close attention to the condition.
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