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Product Priced - Offers Wide Variety
Offers Wide Variety
12 times mentioned • Fatiyah Thorek • 01 November 2018

Offers Wide Variety

MYHOME offers a wide variety of bathroom accessories for the Malaysian home including stainless steel doors, retractable rack, stainless steel cloth rack, and even a stainless steel pedal bin. Each of these items has been designed for everyday use.

This means you can expect to use MYHOME products far longer than the competition. And the best part of it all is that each product is priced just right for the hard-working family.
Product Priced - Nu Colour Advanced
Nu Colour Advanced
4 times mentioned • Yen Ling • 26 November 2015

Nu Colour Advanced

The Nu Colour Advanced Liquid Finish SPF15 helps even out skin tone and enhance the complexion. It has anti-ageing benefits and rejuvenates the appearance while also diminishing fine lines, wrinkles and large pores.

The product gives a flawless matte finish to the skin. This product will be priced at RM138.
Product Priced - Wide Variety
Wide Variety
299 times mentioned • Saqib Mughal • 16 October 2017

Wide Variety

The natural and subtle look of the Jasper Ocean Wave Series offers cool-toned shades with subtle grain patterns that instill a sense of serenity in any home that's as calming as any beachfront. The hand-scraped texture mimics the hypnotic grooves left in the sand by crashing waves.

Unbeatable value: Complementing a wide variety of dcor types, this product is priced so that your family can afford to have outstanding, hand-scraped craftsmanship in your home A range of installation options: With a multi-ply core and the tongue and groove boards,
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