Pacific Die
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Pacific Die - Pacific Die Casting
Pacific Die Casting
17 times mentioned • Edison Leo • 10 November 2017

Pacific Die Casting

Your die cast needs are never too small or too large for Pacific Die Casting. Pacific Die Casting customers include a wide range of industries, and range from small to large companies.

Some of the industries we service and products we manufacture internationally include Die Casting for Lighting, Automotive, Sports and Recreation, Aerospace, Medical, Furniture/Office Equipment, Computer, Home Appliance, Safe Deposit Boxes, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Telecommunications, Food Processing, Valves/Pumps, Machine Tools, Audio Speakers, Traffic Signals.
Pacific Die - Die Casting Machines
Die Casting Machines
9 times mentioned • Edison Leo • 10 November 2017

Die Casting Machines

Run your zinc parts in Pacific Die Casting's high production hot chamber die casting machines. Characteristics of zinc alloys High ductility, impact strength, and tensile strength, Dimensional precision, Easily plated, Economical for small parts, Low melting point, Long die life.
Pacific Die - Pacific Die Casting's
Pacific Die Casting's
7 times mentioned • Edison Leo • 10 November 2017

Pacific Die Casting's

Save yourself the time and hassle. Pacific Die Casting's assembly staff can put parts together, so that you don't have to.

There is no reason to get several different vendors involved. The picture above is an example of PDC's safe deposit box assembly line. Assembling safe deposit boxes is a daily occurrence at PDC, shipping more than a thousand cubic feet each day.
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