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Objects Like - Rough Terrain Crane
Rough Terrain Crane
29 times mentioned • Ivan Kyo • 07 November 2017

Rough Terrain Crane

ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE. Tough Enough To Handle Various Lifting Tasks – Although the rough terrain crane is significantly smaller when compared to other crane types, it is capable and powerful enough to lift heavy objects like the tower crane.

With its multiple axles and advanced hydraulic power, the rough terrain crane can still lift heavy objects and materials to great heights. Therefore, with the rough terrain crane, the power is not an issue when it comes to lifting and moving objects at the construction site.
Objects Like - Making Life Easier
Making Life Easier
5 times mentioned • Ben James • 20 October 2017

Making Life Easier

The smart home predicted by generations of sci-fi writers is finally becoming a reality – and some of the new devices out there fulfill even the most ambitious fantasies. While many of these useful gadgets remain in the realm of luxury, others are perfectly affordable and can start making your life easier right now.

This super buyer's guide covers smart devices for every budget and every lifestyle, whether you're looking for simple objects like those fobs that track lost house keys or want to embrace the smart home lifestyle with the most
Objects Like - Security Tint
Security Tint
34 times mentioned • Aliff Syukri • 23 November 2018

Security Tint

Security tint really can withstand thief hit? I guess they'll hit very hard to break in.

there are alot of test proven that it took the thief long enough to break in to the car , ecotint/3m. One thing that I don't understand is, if the thief uses sharp objects like screwdriver, can the tint resist? So far, I only see experiment on helmet, baseball bat and brick.
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