Necessarily Improve
Best Review Based on Most Mentioned Phrase / Active User
Necessarily Improve - Can Help Increase Chances
Can Help Increase Chances
6 times mentioned • Xue Lii • 24 November 2017

Can Help Increase Chances

Having a meta description won't necessarily improve your ranking on the SERP, but it is something you should definitely use before publishing an article as it can help increase your chances of a searcher clicking on your result.
Necessarily Improve - Smooth Surface Finish
Smooth Surface Finish
5 times mentioned • Tyi Jie • 27 November 2017

Smooth Surface Finish

Metal Metal floors often have a very smooth surface finish which results in a high slip potential when contaminated. The addition of a raised profile pattern does not necessarily improve slip resistance, the sole of footwear needs to interlock with the profile pattern for this to happen.

You can increase the level of surface roughness and slip resistance by sand blasting. This kind of treatment can wear, so will need to be monitored and may need repeating.
Necessarily Improve - Play Big Part
Play Big Part
4 times mentioned • D F Z Z • 19 June 2018

Play Big Part

"Low-profile tyres don't necessarily improve a vehicle's handling. Factors such as section width, tyre tread design and car type also play a big part."
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