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Like Google Analytics - Digital Marketing Malaysia Strategies
Digital Marketing Malaysia Strategies
16 times mentioned • Bob Choo • 13 February 2023

Digital Marketing Malaysia Strategies

Analyzing your results is one of the most important steps in running successful digital marketing campaigns. Did your SEO campaign manage to increase your organic search traffic by 40% within 6 months? Did your digital marketing strategy work?

You can measure and analyze your results using analytical tools like Google Analytics. You also want to know whether your revenue is growing. If your revenue is not growing, then you should consider making changes to your digital marketing Malaysia strategies.
Like Google Analytics - Provides High Quality
Provides High Quality
14 times mentioned • Xue Li • 23 November 2017

Provides High Quality

Google Analytics. There is no other data source that provides high quality and detailed information like Google Analytics.

In a Google-dominated era, it's what we have to work with. Most of the other data tools simply piggyback on Google's data using the API.
Like Google Analytics - Increase Return Investment
Increase Return Investment
5 times mentioned • Colin Lee • 18 December 2020

Increase Return Investment

Job duties for SEO consultants may include performing research to determine applicable website keywords, making sure all website pages have mobile optimization, and sourcing and executing ways to increase link building. These consultants may utilize services like Google Analytics to perform tests and create reports.

They may also perform tests to determine trends and increase return on investment (ROI) in paid searches.
Like Google Analytics - Like Google Analytics
Like Google Analytics
4 times mentioned • Xue Li • 23 November 2017

Like Google Analytics

Google Analytics. The most valuable SEO data is that which helps you better understand your visitors and how they interact with your site.

No tool quite delivers that data like Google Analytics, and none of the previous tools mentioned does a better job providing data that helps you understand the number that matters most – the bottom line.
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