Less Electricity
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Less Electricity - Room Temperature Filtered Water
Room Temperature Filtered Water
12 times mentioned • Afifa Fitiya • 20 September 2018

Room Temperature Filtered Water

Save Electricity. Up to 40 percent less electricity than some conventional hot water dispensers in the market.

Convenient & Easy to Use. Hot, cold and room temperature filtered water any time Save precious time; no need to boil, cool and store water Save space on kitchen countertops and in refrigerator; no need for kettles, hot water flasks and water containersCompact size with large water capacity
Less Electricity - Samsung Air Conditioner
Samsung Air Conditioner
12 times mentioned • Jia Er • 24 June 2018

Samsung Air Conditioner

Automatically Save Energy. With Single User mode, you don't have to repeatedly turn the Samsung Air Conditioner on and off to save energy or worry about using it if it's not unbearably hot. Inthis mode, the compressor and fan only run long enough to maintain the desired temperature and automatically shut off when they're not needed.

So it uses much less electricity * – keeping your bills low and your rooms cool. * Tested on AR12HPSDDWK. Based on accumulated power consumption of normal mode vs. single user mode
Less Electricity - Money Can Buy
Money Can Buy
11 times mentioned • Branda Jusco • 05 February 2015

Money Can Buy

Mitsubishi LaserVue 65-inch HDTV If you've got several thousand dollars to blow on a TV, chances are you've also got all kinds of other ways to entertain yourself. But this is, quite simply, the best TV money can buy.

The first HDTV to use lasers for its display, the LaserVue has a wider gamut of color than any TV on the market — a palette that rivals films in movie theaters — and consumes two-thirds less electricity than similar-sized LCD and Plasma HDTVs. Price: $7,000
Less Electricity - Electric Pressure Cooker
Electric Pressure Cooker
6 times mentioned • Dim Pei • 02 June 2016

Electric Pressure Cooker

Secura 6-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker 6Qt, 18/10 Stainless Steel Cooking Pot. it not only is a pressure cooker, but it is also a slow cooker, a food steamer, soup maker and sauté pan. With many functions, it is very simple and easy to use with a digital display and soft touch buttons.

It cooks efficiently to save you both time and energy cost. The micro-computerized system is supported by digital display that makes it easy to use the appliance. It uses 20% less electricity than rice cookers and 45% less electricity than slow cookers.
Less Electricity - Low Noise Operation
Low Noise Operation
4 times mentioned • Natsu Dragneel • 08 August 2018

Low Noise Operation

The pump is ard 0.5kW only, if you do not turn on the water, the pump will be in standby mode and would not consume much electricity. Your water heater is 3.6kW while a Grundfos water pump consumes 7 times less electricity compared to your instant heater.

Some houses cant hear anything at all while some will have bombing noise. What i can tell you is Grundfos pumps have low noise operation, whether you can hear it or not is depending on how your plumber install it and the structure of your house.
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