Hotter Climates
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Hotter Climates - Incredibly Easy Clean
Incredibly Easy Clean
5 times mentioned • Joey Yap • 28 May 2018

Incredibly Easy Clean

Slow Ceramic Coating / Nano Primer. It protects the surface by sealing it from the "inside" (most of the coating is absorbed by the paint or any other compatible surface it's applied on), adds deep gloss to the paintwork and makes it incredibly easy to clean, restores plastic trim back to the original color without making it shiny.

All protected surfaces are water, oil and dirt repellent and totally sealed Perfect for hotter climates like Southern Europe, California, Middle East, etc.
Hotter Climates - High Speed
High Speed
171 times mentioned • Peter Pan • 11 July 2018

High Speed

Audi S5 install charge cooler.This cooler direct replacement kit that offers enhanced cooling capabilities to maximise the performance of your 3.0T. The supercharge on the 3.0t engine shares the coolant system with the rest of engine,this cause temperatures to rapidly climb when driven at high speed for Long periods or in hotter climates and these high temperature cause the car to reduce power resulting in loss performance.
Hotter Climates - Natural Look
Natural Look
63 times mentioned • Jayden Lee • 30 May 2018

Natural Look

Natural Look Tyre Gel. Does what it says on the box - a natural finish tyre shine. Quick and easy application - wipe on and wipe off (if any excess left).

Ultimate Tyre Gel is significantly low consumption and is one of the most durable type dressing out there. Keeps tires looking fresh for months, is not effected by heat, so even in hotter climates it won't just simply melt off like many other silicone products do. Can be applied on rubber trim and plastic trim as well (semi-permanent).
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