Hey Guys
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Hey Guys - Oil Filter Housing
Oil Filter Housing
9 times mentioned • Chester Loh • 08 May 2018

Oil Filter Housing

Hey guys for this service, does BMW also change the oil filter as well? I've seen on the internet that there is an oil filter for each type (plastic and aluminum).

When you update or change over to the new aluminum oil filter housing there is already a new oil filter inside the housing. I hope this helps.
Hey Guys - Battery Life
Battery Life
241 times mentioned • Ahmad Fauzi • 08 December 2015

Battery Life

Hey guys. I'm looking to do an upgrade. I have the iStick TC40W with an Atlantis V2.

The battery life sucks and I'm just not getting quite the flavor out of the combo that I was told I would get. I'm looking for something a lot better, keeping short of rebuilding coils and dripping. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Guys - New York
New York
142 times mentioned • Kenny Pan • 06 November 2015

New York

Hey guys i want to get an Nexus 6p through my friend in Ithaca, New York. What's the best method to get it? Will it be delivered by the end of November if i order today? and is there any tax or cost other than the $499?
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