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Mysore Yoga
200 times mentioned • Ramesh Shetty • 06 November 2019

Mysore Yoga

What excites me most about this studios is that is does a morning "assisted practice" (read: mysore-style yoga), the monthly cost of which is as low as £48! I used to pay £100 for mysore yoga, and that was with a SUBSTANTIAL student discount.

Speaking of prices, otherwise, they're really cheap here. Starting from £9 for an hour, £10 for one-and-a-half, etc, the cost is lower than other studios I've researched in less accessible/commutable areas. Plus, you can get a discount for purchasing £50 or £100 pre-pay increments.
Get Discount - Yet Modern
Yet Modern
82 times mentioned • Black Leg Sanji • 13 August 2018

Yet Modern

They tend to make very classic eyeglasses, conservative yet modern. Regarding the cost of Clubmasters, I would say you can get a discount of maybe 40% or more off RRP of rm650+.

Be careful though, Ray Bans are known for being counterfeited. You can always get the prescription glasses done separately, no problems with that. But maybe you'd have to look around, Clubmasters sold here only comes in 51 and quite big so maybe the lens could be a problem.
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times mentioned • Jason Lim • 24 February 2020

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