Extremely Happy With The
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Extremely Happy With The - Good Quality
Good Quality
374 times mentioned • Black Widow Agent • 10 February 2018

Good Quality

However we have been using the first set for months and I am extremely happy with the Pima bed sheets. They are good quality, really soft. They are light weight which makes them perfect for summer and our current autumn weather with the doonah.

I found the bamboo sheets a bit too hot for our QLD summer. As they are very fine you will have to treat any stains carefully so as not to damage or weaken the product. They are also a good size with a good amount of sheet to tuck in the side of the mattress.
Extremely Happy With The - Queen Size
Queen Size
307 times mentioned • Rachel Lim • 12 August 2020

Queen Size

Sleeps like a dream. This is a very comfortable mattress. We have purchased Serta before and always been extremely happy with the sturdiness and the craftmanship. With Serta mattresses we sleep like babies.

So comfortable! Just bought the Serta Bayport in a queen size. It is so comfy and affordable! I love it.
Extremely Happy With The - Most People
Most People
129 times mentioned • Hill Man • 25 July 2018

Most People

Rebonding is an irreversible procedure that can lead to hair damage when not done properly or if the hair is not taken care appropriately afterwards. It can also be very time consuming no less than four hours for the shortest hair, and even longer for those with longer or thicker hair.

It can also be more expensive than straightening. That said, most people are extremely happy with the results of rebonding because their hair requires no additional styling.
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