Educational Activities
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Educational Activities - Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation
Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation
7 times mentioned • Jenny Lo • 04 May 2021

Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation

Kimporo Postnatal Rejuvenation also provides a variety of fun and educational activities, such as baby care workshop, babywearing class, infant massage class, parenting class, healthy cooking demo and postnatal exercise. It's not only you who have to practise all this, your partner too will be joining you in the classes.

As most of the confinement centre don't let your husband stay, this place allows you to bring your kids and husband to stay overnight with you.
Educational Activities - Provides Wide Variety
Provides Wide Variety
3 times mentioned • Au Agnes • 13 November 2017

Provides Wide Variety

Caterpillar Stretching Imagination There are activities for the entire family! Caterpillar Stretching Imagination centre provides a wide variety of educational activities and programs for everyone to stretch their creative imagination such as baking and dancing.
Educational Activities - Thanks Ai
Thanks Ai
295 times mentioned • Amelia Kate • 11 April 2020

Thanks Ai

Thanks Ai contributes to your health through food education (products), offers you financial affluence through employment education, delivers the powerful media of network marketing to your business through commercial education, and provides you with safe, worry-free food though agricultural education. The 4 Thanks Ai educational activities will provide you with true financial affluence and spread the joy of food security to countries and regions lacking in food.

"Bring the joy of eating before richness."
Educational Activities -
Educational Activities
times mentioned • Holiday King • 23 August 2016

Belum Rainforest Resort. Activities-wise, we didn't actually set foot in the belum rainforest because we didn't intend on paying extra for the activities as our package came with some activities included like the night walk and cruise around the island and kayaking.

I think the way the activities are run could be better as there's so much you could do around the resort itself. Definitely needs more kid-friendly activities too and could definitely introduce some educational activities about the unique environment.
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