Each Species
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Each Species - Wood Flooring
Wood Flooring
241 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 01 October 2017

Wood Flooring

The heartwood of Pyinkado is a rich reddish brown with some darker streaks. This distinct reddish tone has been described by many as a “luxury class” of red color. Pyinkado redwood is sometimes called Burmese Ironwood due to its hardness.

It behaves well in the drying process, drying slowly but with very little degrade. This species is an excellent choice for wood flooring due to its durability and termite resistant properties. *Reknown for almost 200years, each species has its own character and history. Each piece has an individual richness
Each Species - Price Range
Price Range
121 times mentioned • Gordon Lee • 17 October 2017

Price Range

There are a few factors when it comes to choosing and installing a certain type of exotic wood from Central America. The key factors to consider are the following: Price Range – certain exotic woods are more rare to find and heavier to export.

It might be harder to work with, more fragile, which needs for better packaging materials, and/or might need more work and care during assembly and installation. Figure – each species holds a unique grain, texture, and aesthetic display; it's up to the buyer to determine which would look best in a busines
Each Species - Each Piece
Each Piece
73 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 01 October 2017

Each Piece

Originated from Tasmania, Australia, the name Tasmanian Oak was first used by early European timber workers who believed the eucalypts showed the same strength as English Oak. Tasmanian oak is 35% harder than teak, just slightly softer than white oak, 7% softer than hard maple and 30% softer than jarrah. This hardwood timber is light-colored, ranging from straw to light reddish brown.

* Reknown for almost 200 years, each species has its own character and history. Each piece has an individual richness. * Ranging in tone from pale.
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