Different Species
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Different Species - Often You Should Wash Bed
Often You Should Wash Bed
3 times mentioned • Izac Yong • 23 February 2018

Often You Should Wash Bed

How often you should wash your bed sheets? In a recent study that assessed the level of fungal contamination in bedding, researchers found that feather and synthetic pillows between 1.5 and 20 years old can contain between four and 17 different species of fungus.

And it's not just your own microbial life you're sleeping with. In addition to the fungi and bacteria that come from your sweat, sputum, skin cells, and vaginal and anal excretions, you also share your bed with foreign microbes. These include animal dander, pollen, soil and lint.
Different Species - Solid Wood Planks
Solid Wood Planks
3 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Solid Wood Planks

Because engineered hardwood is made from real wood, the choices are just as varied as with solid wood planks. Whether you like pine, oak, or exotic woods such as acacia, you can find one to fit your style.

Choose from different species and finishes to achieve the look you want. Pick a grade of wood that fits within your budget. You can choose wide or narrow planks, parquet, or even the chevron look.
Different Species - Choose Between
Choose Between
48 times mentioned • Ben James • 17 October 2017

Choose Between

AYOS Laminates is a premier series of wood-look flooring. Our customers are amazed with the realistic feeling and the indistinguishable look of this flooring.

With 4 different collections and dozens of styles and colors to choose from, you can choose between oak or hickory or maple or topical teak, without worrying about scratching or hardness by different species.
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