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Colors Create - Laminate Flooring Collection
Laminate Flooring Collection
5 times mentioned • Saqib Mughal • 16 October 2017

Laminate Flooring Collection

The Modern Wide Plank laminate flooring collection offers a classy, modern interpretation of French oak at an affordable price. Each straight edge plank features a Uniclic profile for fast and easy installation, which can be done by practically any DIYer.

Choose from four contemporary, richly textured colors to create a sophisticated space that complements modern furniture and décor. The Modern Wide Plank collection offers: Large, luxurious planks: 6.7” x 48” planks create an expansive effect that works well in mid-size to large-size rooms
Colors Create - Better Make Sure
Better Make Sure
4 times mentioned • Vitagen Z • 13 June 2018

Better Make Sure

Golden glitter nails art design. Nail art with glitter adds everyone's attention at you. Nail art supplied are required for nail design and are spread with golden glitter and red glitter.

This creates a base by using a base coat and then can be used with a thin nail brush that helps to create the fall leaf. So, it is better to make sure with the fall colors to create nail design pattern.
Colors Create - Feels Like
Feels Like
113 times mentioned • Joey Yap • 25 March 2018

Feels Like

A roll-arm sofa works beautifully with indoor-outdoor woven seats, natural textures like jute and linen, and leafy accent colors to create a cottage-inspired or South Beach palette that feels like summer all year round. Casually toss on cushions, drape a blanket, and enjoy the way this style of sofa looks put-together without much effort.
Colors Create - Dark Gray
Dark Gray
13 times mentioned • YI Jie • 21 November 2017

Dark Gray

Basic Color Terms Primary Colors,All colors, with the exception of white, come from primary colors. Secondary Colors,Mix equal amounts of two primary colors to create secondary colors. Tone makes colors more pleasing to look at instead of pure pigment. The value of a color describes the amount of white or black in the color.

The value ranges from light to dark on a gray scale. The saturation of a color refers to its strength or weakness in different light. Think about it in terms of bright or dull.
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