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Always Updated - Aia Medical Card App
Aia Medical Card App
4 times mentioned • KC Liew • 05 October 2020

Aia Medical Card App

AIA Medical Card App and AIA Panel Clinics. AIA medical card panel clinics list can be found in the AIA app.

This AIA medical card app is free to download to the phone from the Google and Apple app stores. Once downloaded and activated, you can search for the nearest AIA panel clinics near you for your red, green or normal cards. This online app based AIA panel clinic list is comprehensive and always updated.
Always Updated - Minimalist Living Room
Minimalist Living Room
5 times mentioned • Allan Jack • 22 October 2017

Minimalist Living Room

his minimalist living room is perfect for the people who are passionate about technology and wants always to be updated on the latest advances in technology. The large sofa allows the whole family and friends to come together in front of the large 4K screen to watch the most popular TV programs or look at a movie on Netflix.

The bike is a fun provocation, which encourages people to be technological but not lazy.
Always Updated - Advanced Technology
Advanced Technology
85 times mentioned • Terrence Lim • 15 June 2016

Advanced Technology

My job required to travel a lot. This is my watch. Citizen Eco-Drive Satellite Wave World Time.

The newest addition of its towering success is its satellite synchronized watches that astonish watch connoisseurs with stellar features and marvelous designs. Deep down the technology of the model, it synchronizes with the atomic clock from the nearest orbital satellite that encircles the earth about 20,000 kilometers above from the land. Such advanced technology beams signals to your watch in a straight way and keeps you always updated with time, regardless of your geographical location.
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