Across The Grain
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Across The Grain - Wood Flooring
Wood Flooring
241 times mentioned • Tyi Jie • 27 November 2017

Wood Flooring

Wood flooring The slip resistance of natural wood floors may vary, generally there is more slip resistance if walking across the grain than along the grain.Natural wood floors are often sealed or polished; this will alter the surface roughness and slip resistance of the floor, generally making them more slippery when wet or contaminated. Care and thought must be given to the slip resistance of outdoor wood surfaces, such as decking that is open to the elements.
Across The Grain - Right Angle
Right Angle
40 times mentioned • Shark Dut Dut • 27 November 2017

Right Angle

The direction of sanding will depend on the floor's condition. If it is fairly flat, it may be possible simply to use the sander up and down the boards' grain. If the floor is uneven, or has a very thick coating of paint or varnish, start across the grain.

Sanding at a right angle to boards may damage them, so sand at 45 degrees. Cross the room in one direction, then the other before finishing along the grain. Reduce the coarseness of the sandpaper as you progress, finishing with the finest grade.
Across The Grain - Ingredients Used
Ingredients Used
26 times mentioned • Sanchez Italy • 04 June 2016

Ingredients Used

Tupperware Steam It RM56.00. A steamer enhanced to make perfectly healthy meals. Ensure the ingredients used are of the freshest quality. Choose cuts of meat that are fast-to-cook.

Trim excess fat and cut across the grain for tenderness. If frozen, defrost completely before cooking. Choose vegetables and fruit that are unblemished and fresh in colour. If cooking more than one dish togather, ensure the sizes or portions are almost similar in size so they cook within the same time. If cooking more than one tier, allow more time for upper tiers furtheraway from the steam.
Across The Grain - Gaps Between
Gaps Between
11 times mentioned • Kyee Z • 17 October 2017

Gaps Between

How to Repair Hardwood Floors.Firstly,Replacing Old Tongue-and-Groove Boards then Cutting Across the Grain and Replacing Chipboard Floorboards.Apart from that,Replacing Old Square-Edged Broken Boards and Matching Board Dimensions.Lastly,Securing Loose Boards to Filling Gaps Between Boards and Exposed Board Solutions.
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