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Achieved Using - Automotive Air Conditioning
Automotive Air Conditioning
8 times mentioned • Df Z • 18 June 2018

Automotive Air Conditioning

An automotive air conditioning is designed to extract the heat from the air in the interior area of the vehicle then exhaust it to the exterior, leaving only cooled or 'conditioned' air to be redistributed. This is achieved using a special compound called refrigerant, capable of readily absorbing heat as a gas and quickly losing heat as a liquid.Although it carries out its task similarly to a domestic refrigerator, there are still a few significant differences.

Because it is mounted on your car, the air conditioner is subjected to a colossal
Achieved Using - Used Provide
Used Provide
19 times mentioned • Jackson Lee • 26 April 2016

Used Provide

An SMS printer is a new system that enables restaurants to get their orders directly from text messages through a SMS printer. The SMS printer is a small, portable, standalone device for receiving and printing text messages sent to it. Through the SMS printer restaurants do not have to worry about getting their orders wrong as the SMS printer delivers messages exactly as the sender intended in textual format. SMS messages are printed on 58mm thermal receipt paper.

The SMS printer can be used to provide an interface between the restaurant website and the kitchen staff. SMS printer really is the way forward for you online ordering business. The diagrams below demonstrate how this can be achieved using wifi, sms/gprs and bluetooth printers.
Achieved Using - Hair Cuticle
Hair Cuticle
7 times mentioned • Ga Ga • 21 June 2018

Hair Cuticle

Lightening is achieved by using bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Bleach oxidizes the color proteins in the hair leaving them colorless.

The catch is that this process is irreversible and can result in some unnatural, odd colors. More often, hydrogen peroxide is used in an alkaline solution that opens up the hair cuticle and allows the peroxide to react with the color protein.
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