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Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Fungsi dan Kegunaan Biopolish® Linseed oil – Wood Polish and Furniture Care Perawatan Decking Flooring Perawatan Furniture Eksterior Perawatan Wood Panelling Perawatan Wood Craft Dan lain lain Cara Aplikasi Biopolish® Linseed oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Untuk membuat pasta Biopolish® Linseed oil – wood polish and furniture care lebih cair dan lembut sehingga lebih mudah diambil, gunakan jari atau sendok atau pisau palet untuk mengaduk didalam cup nya.
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Siapkan kayu yang akan dipoles. Bersihkan dan keringkan.

Sediakan dua kain kering dan lembut. Ambil sedikit Biopolish® Linseed oil mengunakan kain bersih dan oleskan ke seluruh permukaan benda yang akan dipoles sampai rata. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai bahan sudah meresap Gunakan kain lain yang juga bersih dan lembut untuk menggosok kayu secara manual.
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Anti Slip Biopolish® Linseed oil – wood polish and furniture care memiliki sifat anti slip (tidak licin) pada permukaan benda yang dipoles. Pada lantai kayu yang difinish dengan bahan licin, Anda bisa menggunakan Biopolish® Linseed oil untuk mengatasinya
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Antiseptic Biopolish® Linseed oil – wood polish and furniture care mengandung minyak pinus yang merupakan antiseptik alami. Minyak pinus akan membasmi jamur, bakteri, dan berbagai organisme pembusuk yang bisa merusak kayu.
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Color Protection Biopolish® Linseed oil – wood polish and furniture care mengandung Linseed Oil yang bisa melindungi dan meningkatkan keindahan warna asli produk. Produk yang dipoles dengan Biopolish® akan mendapat efek seperti baru lagi.
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

Weather Protection Kandungan beeswax dan linseed oil pada Biopolish® Linseed oil wood polish and furniture care akan melindungi kayu dari paparan cuaca yang merusak. Biopolish® yang bersifat natural plastilizer akan membuat serat kayu fleksibel sehingga permukaan kayu tetap mulus meski terpapar sinar matahari dan cuaca yang berubah-ubah.

Linseed Oil akan melindungi kayu dari sinar UV yang bisa menyebabkan warna kayu dan coating pudar.
Biopolish Linseed Oil
Biopolish Linseed Oil
11 times mentioned • Diron Ho • 04 October 2017

Biopolish Linseed Oil

100% Natural Biopolish® Linseed oil – wood polish and furniture care terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami tanpa campuran bahan kimia. Produk ini terbuat dari beeswax (lilin lebah), minyak biji rami (linseed oil), minyak pinus (pine oil), dan campuran minyak nabati lainnya.
Wood Panelling - Floor Tiles
Floor Tiles
99 times mentioned • YI Jie • 23 November 2017

Floor Tiles

Walled courtyard patio garden Here, the floor tiles run out from the interior space, creating a sense of continuity and implying that outside patio area is merely an extension of the kitchen itself. Clusters of large pots holding lush plants create a tropical feeling and the sense of being in nature, which is only enhanced by the warmth of horizontal wood panelling.

A vast mirrored panel doubles the space – visually at least – and makes the space feel light and full of energy for a meal or casual drinks at the bistro table and garden bench.
Wood Panelling - Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
51 times mentioned • Ben James • 22 October 2017

Coffee Shop

Chinese studios HAD Architects and EPOS paired wood panelling with perforated metal inside this tiny Chengdu coffee shop, which also features a combined bookshelf and staircase.
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